Rope Bondage Guide #1: The Hishi Karada

Hey guys, this is maybe the first post in a series of posts concerning rope bondage.

Today we will tackle a full body harness - the Hishi Karada. This tie is a very beautiful one - it looks great on the sub's body and feels just as good on their skin. This tie can be worn for prolonged periods without a problem, and for the kinky readers out there, even hidden under your clothes!

While this tie looks very complicated at first, I will walk you through it step by step and you'll will see that it's really rather simple. The first time tying this it takes some time and maybe you need to retie the entire harness, but you will quickly get faster and faster at tying it with time.

While I won't be writing specifically about safety during rope bondage (maybe covered in a separate post), please always play safe, sane and consensual. Always have safety scissors ready when playing with ropes!

As a final note: This tie can be tied as self bondage and has some differences depending on the sub's genitalia. I will explicitly talk about them later on.

And without further ado, let's begin!


While technically the rope can be tied above clothes, it doesn't have nearly the same effect as when the rope touches bare skin, so I suggest a naked body for the person who the harness will be on.

Besides your safety scissors you only need the rope. Depending on the size of the body I suggest a rope length between 8 (bare minimum) and 12 meters. Ideal is anything above or equal to 10m for the average body.

If you only have shorter ropes, you may need to adjust the tie a little or join ropes together to form a longer one.


Let's have a quick look on the finished tie, so we can get a first impression:

Image curtesy of ; original Hishi Karada tutorial

Step #1: Knots, knots, knots

Find the middle of your rope (from now on referred to as pinch) and lay it around your neck so that both ends of the rope are dangling down in front of your body on either side of your neck. Pull the pinch a bit down, so it is right between the bottom of your shoulder blades. This harness can be tied with the pinch right in the back of your neck but in my opinion it's easier and more comfortable to tie with it further down your back.

To create the typical diamond shapes of the Hishi Karada we need to tie a couple knots into the rope. These knots need to be in specific spots. You can try to experiment with it, but if this is your first try put them where you see them on the first picture.

Bring both ends of the rope together in front of your body and tie a normal overhand knot into the rope. Depending on the length of the rope and the size of your body you can use different amounts of knots. If you have a shorter rope use less knots, if you have a sufficiently long rope tie 4 knots on the following positions:

  1. Above the boobs around the top of your sternum, so that the middle between the first knot and the second knot is right above your boobs.
  2. Exactly between your boobs
  3. Approximately the same distance away from the 2nd knot as the first, so that the middle between the 2nd and 3rd knot is right below your boobs
  4. Approximately a few centimeters below the bellybutton

If you have no boobs, use the image for reference. Take the distance between your sternum and a bit below your belly button and tie the knots separating this distance evenly with 4 to 5 knots (any more than 5 and it can easily get messy).

Step #1a (optional): Another knot

(How the rope will end up there will be explained in the next step)

If you want to increase the fun even further you can add another knot.

If you have female genitalia tie another knot right on top of the clitoris.

If you have male genitalia tie another knot anywhere between right behind the testicles and the anus.

The positioning of this knot is rather difficult because it has to be in a very precise position and the rope will move a bit from the next step. You may need to retie the knot several times until you hit the exactl location you want it to be at. If this is the first time tying the Hishi Karada skip this step.

Step #2: Closing the loop

Once you are done with the knots it's time to tie the core of the harness - lead the ropes between your legs.

If you have female genitalia I recommend leading the rope right between the lips.

If you have male genitalia move one end of the rope on either side of the penis and testicles.

Move the rope up the back of your body and lead both ends of the rope from below through the pinch. This is now the core of the harness.

(This image is only for reference. If your pinch is directly in the neck as it is in this image I suggest moving it further down. If that changes the position of your knots on the front too much go back to Step #1 and tie the knots again further down)

You can apply varying amounts of tension on the rope. I suggest not using too much tension since the harness will tighten as you tie it.

Step #3: Diamonds!

Now it's time to tie the shapes that gave this harness its name.

To do that, take one end of the rope in either hand and bring the rope to the front of your body. Lead both ends of the rope between the two ropes between knot #1 and knot #2 from below.

If you only wear the harness for a short duration this is totally sufficient. However if you plan on wearing the harness for a longer duration I suggest to anchor the rope. If you anchor the rope it will keep its tightness for longer and stay in place better. If you don't anchor it, it will losen over time and is in general less secure.

To anchor the rope, simply move the rope below itself after you pulled it through between the knots.

Tighten the rope as much as you want and lead the rope to the back of your body. At this point you should have the end of the rope back in your hand where you started with at the beginning of this step (left rope back in left hand and right rope back in your right hand).

Lead the rope to the back of your body.

There are several options to continue this step, you could hook the rope around the rope on your back, but I find it more comfortable and easy to tie to just cross the ropes behind your back so you end up with the left rope in your right hand and the right rope in your left hand (referring to the starting sides at the beginning of this step).

From here on just repeat the step.

Lead the rope from below between the ropes between knot #2 and knot #3, pull it through, anchor it, lead it to your back. Repeat this until you tied the spaces between all knots into diamonds.

Optional: Depending on the height of the first knot it's also possible to do the first of these steps above the first knot. For aesthetic reasons I also love to add another of these steps below the last knot. This is also highly dependent on the length of the used rope in relation to the size of your body.

Step #4: The finish

You are basically done with the tie! Depending on the length of the rope you have left after doing the diamond shapes you can do different things. I usually tie it off with a knot of my choosing and tug the ends of the rope into the harness, but there are surely better and more aesthetic ways to finish the harness.

For self bondage I suggest tying the harness off on the front of your body and not your back. The knots can tighten over time a little. Having the finishing knot on the back of your body can become a little tricky when you want to take the harness off.

Step #5: Enjoy

You are done! Now it's time to enjoy the harness. While it's certainly tons of fun tying the harness, wearing it is even more fun and arousing.

What you do with it is totally up to you. But to give you a couple of ideas:

  • The harness can be used as anchor for more ties
  • Tugging and pulling on the ropes feels great
  • Vibrations on the harness run through the entire rope. Use that to your advantage!
  • Running around and especially picking something up from the floor feels arousing. Even more so if you added the knot of step #1a!
  • Depending on the thickness of the rope, the harness can easily be hidden under clothes. Not sure if can keep a pokerface with it on though ;)


The Hishi Karada is a very nice tie. It takes some time to practice but once you figured out the few moves it can be tied very quickly. If you want to further increase the speed to tie the harness, you can keep the initial knots of step #1 (and step #1a) in the rope so you can skip this step next time.

The feedback I got so far on this tie was overwhelmingly positive. It's a great way to make someone feel hugged tightly even though you can't be there in person. It highlights curves on your body and makes you feel (and look) sexy! It also makes you feel tied up without restricting your movement which can be useful!

Have fun following along and experimenting!