A Fox's Past 8

Winston walked briskly down the halls of the Beach-House.

It was late, and he had risen hastily, wearing a nightcap, paired with his pajamas that looked exactly like his costume, and was walking resolutely forward.

Ahead of him, a glow lit the hallway, coming from an adjacent room, and noise could also be heard coming from the room.

But he wasn't worried at all. In fact, he knew precisely what was going on.

Fluffy was still in the pantry in the middle of the night ...

It had become a habit.

He had no objection to the fox eating, of course...

But in the middle of the night… this just won't do!

He moved closer to the door, the sounds coming from the pantry getting louder and louder, and leaped into the doorway, expecting to surprise Fluffy and see him drop his ears, looking sorry.

He was speechless ...

In front of him, no trace of the Kitsune ... or rather ... no trace of the one he knew.

Her body was larger than Fluffy's, a long, silky blonde tail swayed smoothly along slender legs ... extended by attractively shaped hips ... very attractive ... the creature's body was beautifully proportioned ... and her white skin and pale seemed to glow in the light of the room ...

On her head stood long, fluffy ears, and magnificent hair ran down her back, radiant and glowing.

Winston remained silent, utterly surprised… unable to utter a word.

Suddenly the creature stopped, her ears twitched back, and she turned her head nimbly, staring at Winston in a wide-eyed gaze.

Winston blinked… but she was already gone, making way for Fluffy, standing in the exact same spot at the pantry.

The Kitsune, the one he knew well this time, looked left and then right, his tail wagging behind his back and, totally ignoring Winston, he set out to search for his favorite treats.

It took a few seconds for Winston to come to his senses, trying to figure out what had happened, shaking his head in confusion.

Suddenly, the Fox noticed his presence, and turned his head towards him, just like the creature he had seen before, his mouth full of treats.

Fluffy lowered his ears, while Winston regained his composure.

“Fluffy, you shouldn't be here…”

The Fox stared at him sheepishly ... and Winston sighed.

“All right… go back to your room…”

He followed Fluffy, making sure he got back to his room, and not go snooping around in other corners of the Beach House.

He took one last look at the Fox, who snuggled under his blanket, then closed the door ... Troubled ...

Sooner or later he would find out what this creature was ... and for that, he was going to have to watch Fluffy a little closer.

But first… Winston yawned… he was going to call it a night!

He opened his eyes, emerging from the torpor of sleep, stretching his numb limbs after sleeping in a ball ...

The rays of the sun were already piercing the paper of the door leading to the balcony, bathing the room in a soft morning light.

Deep inside, he felt something move weakly, still dormant, but he ignored it, and began his morning routine of bathing and brushing! before finally going down to the Beach-House bar, hungry.

As usual, Winston was already there, raising an eyebrow as he saw him arrive, and sitting down on a stool in front of the counter, wagging his tail, a hungry glint in his eyes.

“Are you already hungry after all that you ate yesterday night?”

He nodded questioningly, he had only had a few treats, not enough to make a full meal, and Winston knew that very well.

Winston sighed, and turned, looking for a snack to give him.

He took the opportunity to observe the room, and those present, taking the time to wave back at a young lady before returning his attention to his meal.

The delicious aroma of the dish whetted his appetite, and he began to salivate.

Deep inside, he felt something move again, and he sensed an emotion ... a feeling the humans call ... "Hunger" ...

Without paying any more attention, he ate greedily, before jumping off the stool, and heading for the exit, swinging his tail happily.

The weather was wonderful outside!

So he would go to town once more.

And then he had read something in a book the day before that he wanted to test… "cuni ... something", he didn't remember well, but it sounded like fun!

He walked happily towards the city, ready for a thrilling new experience, one you could only find here… in the city of Erofights!

Behind him a shadow moved… and Winston came out of his hiding place… looking into the distance…

He was going to follow the Kitsune discreetly, and find out what Fluffy was hiding from him ...

With a fluid and trained gesture, he put on his false beard, and his sunglasses, better if he remained incognito, and then ... with that he was classy!

Day by day, the city got more and more lively, and he enjoyed it!

He walked, balancing on the sidewalk, or curb, looking curiously at the profiles of everyone he passed, stopping dead when one was too long to read quickly ...

He still had a hard time understanding the long texts, and it took time, and effort to make sure he understood everything, nevertheless, he loved to read them!

There were so many people to meet, so much to discover!

He finished reading a long block of text, then set off again towards the center of town ...

Winston hid in the shadow of a building, watching the Fox from afar, not paying attention to surprised looks, or laughter from passers-by, when they saw his disguise ...

He had a mission, and he intended to complete it!

In front of him stood the tall building of the Erofights arena ...

He smiles, already imagining the reaction of his future prey to his new technique ...

He entered the building, wagging his tail behind him, ready to face a new challenger…

Winston watched from a distance as Fluffy stared at the building, hesitating, then walked inside.

He couldn't spy on his matches, but maybe he could glean some information, or gather clues ...

Winston entered the building, hiding behind one of the flowering plants in the hallway, ignoring the questioning gaze of those around him.

She walked smoothly, almost dancing, heading towards the ticket machine to get into the queue, taking the opportunity to observe the people already present, those waiting in the line and those chatting to each other, seated on the side, or standing ...

Her gaze was caught by the imposing build of one of the contestants ...

Tall, muscular, his skin black as ebony, his presence seemed to crush that of everyone else around him ...

She paused, curious, he had never noticed this man before… and… a sharp heat gripped his body, flooding his consciousness… a wave of emotions sweeping him away… Hunger… Excitement… Prey…

She smiled ... licking her lips ... her tail slowly wagging behind her ... as she didn't take her eyes off the man ...

She had found her prey… now she was going to play with him…

Winston's eyes widened in amazement.

No one seemed to have noticed ... but where Fluffy was, now stood the same creature he had seen last night ...

Except this time ... there was an intimidating aura about her ...

He watched as she approached a tall man ...

He knew this man, and he knew very well that he was a great competitor ...

She was frail and thin, in front of the imposing stallion ...

She had absolutely no chance ...

With a supple, sensual step, she hugged the man, looking him intently in the eyes, and smiling as he turned his head, staring at her ...

His gaze traveled quickly over her body, and she saw an excited gleam in his eyes…

She had hooked her prey…

Now the fun really begins ...

Winston watched as the man followed the Kitsune, entering one of the rooms… closing the door behind them…

Unfortunately, this match was private... so he decided to wait, still half hidden behind his flowerpot ...

The match shouldn't be very long, just long enough for the man to take care of that frail Kitsune ...

The man was panting as he sat on the floor, moaning, his face expressing intense pleasure, as deft hands worked on his crotch ...

She smiles, feeling her prey totally at her mercy ...

Sitting behind him, pressing her warm, soft breasts against his back, then nibbled on his ear, the man moaning even more ...

She bent her legs slightly, running her feet along the male's thighs, the texture of her white tights pleasantly caressing his skin ...

Soft movements of her tail massaged his testicles, as she was stroking his member firmly, hard and stiff, feeling his orgasm approaching, as the man's moans accelerated ...

She licked her lips, the fateful moment approached… she felt it closer and closer… the muscles in his legs starting to shake, his cock throbbing in her expert and skillful hands…

The man threw his head back, in a loud groan of pleasure, and she felt something warm land and sink over her hands, enjoying the male's reaction ...

Her hands slowed, and she released the man from her embrace, watching him try to catch his breath, wagging her tail, a smirk on her face ...

The hunt was over, and even this Apollo could not resist her, offering himself completely to her, surrendering himself to her mercy ...

Playing with prey was always the best part of the hunt ... but even the best moments always came to an end ...

She stood up, wagging her tail happily, as she left the room, her smooth gait… leaving the man panting behind her, his eyes lost in limbo, whispering repeatedly.

“Tsume… sume…”

She smiled, giving him one last look over her shoulder, then stepped through the door, and stepped out into the hall.

Winston's eyes widened behind his sunglasses, seeing the frail creature come back into the hall first.

It was impossible, hardly believable, and yet ...

He stealthily approached her, hiding behind the groups of people scattered around the hall, and read her profile ...

He was surprised to see a name different from Fluffy ... Naotsume ... so it was another Kitsune, totally different from him ... but what was the link between them ...

A quick glance confirmed his doubts, disturbing him a little more ...

She had defeated her opponent well ...

The Vixen turned, looking at him curiously, her tail wagging slowly behind her back.

Deep inside, he kept wondering how she had done it, she seemed so fragile, innocent.

No doubt she's hiding something ...

Finally, she lost interest in him, and walked towards the exit, her light footsteps almost sliding across the tiled hall.

He watched her walk away, the mystery surrounding these two Kitsunes merely intensifying with every moment ...

The days that followed were quite normal.

Winston looked after the Beach-House, talking with the residents, serving the drinks, joking and scolding Fluffy when he saw the fox attempting to do something stupid, which made him sulk for a few minutes, before he started again, running around, and jumping on everyone.

A sign now stood at the entrance to the Beach-house:

“Watch out for tackles”

It was Fluffy's new fad… jumping on people and tackling them to say hello.

At first, this surprised him ... then he had developed countermeasures, sending the Fox flying behind him with techniques from long-forgotten martial arts, or smoothly dodging the Kitsune, again and again, until he got bored.

But Fluffy had gotten smarter too, always finding more and more ways to catch people by surprise.

Winston watched a man enter the Beach House, on his guard, looking for the Fox ...

He couldn't see it from here, but Fluffy was hidden behind a piece of furniture waiting for the man to come within reach ... and ...

He watched as the Fox leaped at the man, taking him by surprise, and knocking him down, before Fluffy ran away, wagging his tail happily.

But the Fox's tackles weren't what Winston worried about today ...

He hadn't seen Naotsume since the time he'd followed Fluffy, but there were strange rumors about a Vixen in Erofights Town, who had defeated many of the residents ...

When he heard the first stories about her, he had paid little attention to her.

After all, there were a multitude of adversaries in the city, and this was not the first time that rumors had circulated ...

But little by little these rumors got bigger...

So much so that the mystery surrounding Naotsume began to intrigue him again.

He put on his glasses, and put on his false beard.

It was time ... time for him to re-enter the Erofights arena ...

After all, it was the heart of the action that you could gather the most information!

He had a mystery to unravel, and nothing could stop him ...

He began to walk, with a proud and motivated step ... then was tackled by Fluffy, ambushed behind a table ...
