Hentai Bondage Update
Hello all, Nagusa here.
The hentai team has been hard at work over the past couple of days, upgrading and improving the bondage system. They’ve heard your feedback and have taken much of it into consideration, although bondage as a whole is still very much a work in progress, so do keep the feedback coming in!
The Strategic Layer of Bondage:
One of they key considerations for bondage was – where is the agency? Or rather, how can it be used to a strategic advantage without killing the balance of the game? It is not very fun to be locked in bondage and skipping 5 turns in a row. The previous overhaul tried to fix that issue by limiting your moves to simple struggling while in bondage. That also turned out to not be very fun, not to mention uncompetitive, so more ideas were needed.
In the new update, maintaining bondage on your opponent is tied to your remaining energy. Therefore, spamming bondage moves is no longer a viable strategy, and can possibly backfire on you. On the other hand, careful energy management and choosing the right time to place your opponent in bondage can pay off heavily. Since energy management is already such a big part of the game, this plays well into both the roleplaying and competitive scenes.
When you place someone in bondage, you get access to the usual array of moves, as long as you keep your energy reasonably high! You can imagine that it takes a certain amount of effort to keep someone bound and tied down, so even the weakest fighter can squirm and struggle their way to freedom if their captor is exhausted.
How does this work in practice?

When you still have lots of energy left, as the captor, your moves are the same as the regular moveset. This is the hentai mode you are familiar with, and your opponent has limited means to fight back. This may change in the future, as we shift towards more bondage-specific moves once the mode gains enough of them!
However, if you run low on energy…

The only option you will have is to let your opponent break free. Think of it as you becoming too exhausted to keep them in bondage any longer, and they squirm free. So, if you want to keep someone in bondage indefinitely, better watch your energy levels!
When bound:
If you get placed in bondage, it’s not the end of the world! There are several tricks and things you can do to turn the tables!
The person in bondage has very limited options, and they fall into three different categories, one in each action slot.

The first option slot is to simply lie in your bonds and stop resisting. This allows your opponent to do as they like to you on their next turn, although you do gain some energy back from doing so.
The second option is to struggle. This costs 1 energy, but drains 3 energy from your captor. If you see them near exhaustion, this might just push them over the edge, forcing them to free you if they run out of energy.
The third option is to ignore the fact that you’re bound, and try to please your opponent instead! This option costs energy, but does raise your opponent’s stats. You’ll still be bound, but what’s hotter than someone with their hands and feet tied trying their best to please their partner?
There are advantages to being in bondage. For the number crunchers, the average advantage of hentai moves is 11, while the average advantage of moves while bounded is 12. For the rest of us, that means moves while bound are just slightly stronger than normal moves. This comes at a cost, however. While bound, you lose all access to cum tests! You cannot try to make your opponent cum while still bound!
As of now, the move pool while bound is extremely limited. We hope the generous contributors to hentai mode will continue to populate this move pool, making the experience enjoyable for all.
As always, if you encounter any bugs or problems, or if you have any suggestions, please contact the maintainers of hentai mode, Clara, Foxy or Romantic.