A Fox's Past 5

Erotica Oct 24, 2020

The air was cool, slightly humid, and the rising sun shyly pointed its rays over the ocean ...

It was still early, and the Beach-House was silent ...
A slender form stirred under the covers ...
Two ears popped up, followed by a tail, wiggling slowly, still numb ...

The covers lifted, and the Kitsune fully emerged from them, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

He got up, and stepped out onto his balcony, admiring the magnificent view before him, letting the morning freshness gently wake him ...

His tail swayed slowly, a new day had just started ...

He shuffled towards the bathroom, and plunged into the hot bath ... taking the time to carefully brush his tail.

His morning routine done, he silently left the room ...
The corridor was silent, the occupants of the Beach-House still all asleep ...
Humans liked to sleep in, it seems ...

He walked down the hall, and down the stairs, he was hungry… maybe he could sneak into the kitchen, and grab some sweets! It was early, and no one was awake yet...

He might even surprise Winston !
He jumped the last few steps, landing neatly and ...

“Hi Fluffy !”

Winston was there, behind the counter, staring at him, in a crisp nightgown.
Not again...

For the past few days he had been trying to surprise Winston when he was asleep, but so far he had failed every time ...

Day and night, Winston had always waited for him, standing, wide awake, dressed… even when he tried to spy on him in the bathroom, a muffled voice came from behind the door “Hi Fluffy!”

He walked over to the counter, disappointed as Winston smirked even more.
This human was incomprehensible ...

But he was hungry and he sat down at the counter, as Winston served him a cup of his favorite tea, and handed him a pastry, which he ate greedily, before sipping his tea ...

"You're up early again today, Fluffy"

He looked up and wagged his tail, for him it was humans who got up late.
He quietly finished his tea ...

"Do you have anything planned for today?"

He looked at Winston, and shrugged, he hadn't planned anything in particular, as usual he would go wandering around Erofights City, and come back when he wanted, he was free, and he liked it ...

His ears pricked up, he heard a noise coming from upstairs ... a door closing, then a light footstep making for the stairs.

He didn't want to run into one of those humans now, so he jumped out of his seat, and hurried out of the Beach House, under Winston's surprised gaze.

Looks like he would go to the city sooner than he thought ...


The city was calm, only a few blue figures walked here and there ...

It was nice ! He could freely enjoy the fresh air while walking down almost deserted avenues!

He was skipping about merrily, the blue figures paying him no attention ...

A shadow stood out in the darkness of a building, and smiled upon seeing the Kitsune ...

Her prey had just arrived ... she burst out laughing, and disappeared into the darkness ...

He turned around… he thought he heard someone laugh… but saw no one around. He must have been dreaming…

He skipped on without a worry in the direction of the large buildings standing in the center of the city ...

Arriving in front of the main building, he was surprised to see that a new building had appeared ... Round in shape, the building looked like an arena ...

Curious, he walked over and read on a sign "Lesbian Wrestling Ring (Alpha)"
He tilted his head… curious…
He swung his tail, he loved new places, he loved to discover.
He walked around the new building, looking for a way to get inside ...
Nothing ... solid walls, with no way in ...

He lowered his ears, disappointed… too bad… he would have to wait another moment before satisfying his curiosity…

He turned towards the central building, at least this one was open, he could enter ...

And nothing would prevent him this time from going where he wanted!
He walked decisively, and disappeared into the doorway ...

The lobby was pretty much empty, and the queue ridiculously small compared to the last few times he'd been ...

The strange ticket machine was still there… he walked over to it, and pressed the button… amused to see another ticket come out…

His ticket in hand, he went to the “Watch Room”, he would wait there for that horrible bell to ring!

He would pass the time watching the humans fight during this time ...
He entered the room… and noticed with surprise that everything was deserted…

No audience, screaming and cheering the opponents ... no one in the center of the arena ...

He looked around, his ears downcast, his tail swinging slowly behind his back ...

Maybe .. maybe eventually… his ears perked up to his head… he was staring at the arena in the center of the room, his head swinging quickly behind his back
There was no one there, so he could take a closer look at this arena!

He jumped up the steps two by two, then jumped out of the stands, landing loosely, and looked around quickly ...

Still no one ... he walked forward, curious, touching everything he saw, looking puzzled at the different sex toys placed on the walls, widening his eyes in front of a series of chains and necklaces, then appreciating the softness of the sheets of the bed placed in full middle …

He curled up on the bed, he was fine, alone ... he closed his eyes
A bell rang violently in the arena


He opened his eyes, surprised, his ears bruised ...
An opponent had chosen him, and he had to return to the hallway to ...
In a flash, a black cloud appeared in front of him ...
Instinctively, he stepped back, as a figure emerged, in a Machiavellian laugh ...

In an instant, the atmosphere grew heavy around him, shivers ran through his body, his fur ruffled ...

A single word came to his mind… danger… he didn't know who this figure was… but his whole body was screaming at him to flee…

The cloud disappeared, as quickly as it had appeared, and the figure became visible ...

A woman, with a slender form, stood before him, devouring him with her eyes with a fiery gaze, biting her lip ...

"I finally caught you, little fox!"

He stepped back, intimidated ...

Something inside him was screaming at him to flee, but his body refused to obey him…

A purple glow shone in the hands of the woman, who was staring at him, with a sadistic smile ...

“Don't think I'm going to let you slip away… you are mine!”

His eyes widened, his body refusing to move ... his tail swung uselessly, as the woman watched him struggle, laughing.

"Useless, you can't escape my spell, little fox !"

She raised her right hand… and something invisible gripped his penis, as he gasped in amazement… she laughed even more ...

“And now… let's see how long you can resist…”

His hand began to move back and forth, and an explosion of pleasure overwhelmed him instantly ...


Lying on the ground, panting, he ejaculated once again, in a wave of intense pleasure ...

She straddled him, sitting on top of him, making him cum, again ... and again ...
Pleasure ran through his body, in intense waves, as powerful spasms stirred him, his cock pounding, to the rhythm of each of his ejaculations ...

But she didn't stop… he came once again… she kept moving her hips, bouncing on top of him… the pleasure completely overwhelmed him… he couldn't endure it any longer… a new orgasm ripped through his body an intense wave of pleasure… he couldn't think anymore… react… his eyes lost in the wave, on the verge of fainting, unable to bear it any longer…

She slowed down, the pressure he felt around his penis lessened… before disappearing completely, when she stood up slightly, his member was released with a “pop”. She left him on the floor, completely exhausted, his body restless. spasming ...

Looking at him, smiling, the woman patted him gently on the head ...
Panting, unable to move, he looked at her, his face worried ...

"Here, little fox, now you belong to me!"

He tensed up, waiting for what would come next, unable to make a single movement ... and watched with surprise as the woman got up and got dressed, without so much as looking at him ...

He tried to get up… useless… his body still didn't respond…

Noticing his attempt, the woman smiled, and waved her hand, causing the purple glow to disappear as he regained control of his body ...

He stood up painfully, his legs shaking ...

The woman snapped her fingers, and his clothes appeared on him. His eyes widened in surprise ...

"Can you walk?"

He looked at her… and nodded… a black cloud enveloped him, and before he had a chance to do anything, he was teleported…

He was in front of the Beach-House ...
A voice echoed in his head ...

“We'll meet again little fox!”

Distraught, he looked all around him ...
But there was nothing at all, the place was deserted ...
He felt weak… terribly weak…
His legs gave way under him, and he fell to the ground ...
He needed to rest… he curled up in a ball…
Just a few minutes ... just a few min...


Winston looked at the Kitsune sleeping on the floor… and let out a sigh…
“Silly Fluffy…” he thought… before picking him up, and carrying him to his room…
He was surprised by the Kitsune's weight, he was surprisingly light ...

While tucking the Kitsune in, the residents of the Beach-House began to wake and stir ...

It was still early in the day, but he had things to do ...
He left the room, as the Kitsune stirred in his sleep ... trapped in a dream whose contents only he could know ...

Winston was about to close the door… but turned around, hearing a noise behind him…

A beautiful young woman was approaching from the hall ... Winston bowed slightly ...

Her gait was elegant, hips swayed to the rhythm of her steps, eyes fixed on Winston, like a predator staring at her prey ...

But it took more than that to disconcert him ...

“Good morning, my deery”

She walked past him, looking annoyed, then glanced sideways through the half-open bedroom door ...

She smiled… she knew exactly what he would be dreaming about… she had made sure that he wouldn't forget that anytime soon…

Winston watched her walk away, then closed the door ...
The day had barely started, and he had a Beach-House to run...



I’m just a 29 years old french man, who likes eroge, hentai and doujin. Nice to meet you, Have fun! o/