An Interview With One Alice Rose
Alice Rose is known across EroFights as an elegant roleplayer and a friendly face in the community. Popular for her attractive selection of profile avatars and pics, she's also taking her dollification fetish to a whole new level, devoting time and effort to a dollification action pack for the Patreon-only Android mode...
Oh, and she's also probably the only person to have played lllusion in the whole of 2024. Special, unique? You're god damn right she is.
EroFights: Before we get started, can you introduce yourself to the readers?
Alice Rose: No I have no idea how to introduce myself, I never have been fantastic at introductions, it's why I let my looks speak for me, I'm Alice, A writer (or at least attempting to be one) although often I end up distracted in other pursuits.
I have been on EF for just over a year but before that had a background of Erotic Roleplay and Erotica writing in general, I have self published two novellas. Technically I have written 5 but only 2 are public and I will not be telling anyone where to find them because I think they aren't good, I am working on a sixth novella now though.
That's about anything unless you want me to talk about like my other hobbies, which include: Fashion (of course), Reading, Video Games~ And many others, inquire inside for more details ❤️
EF: I think I will press you a bit on the fashion aspect: you're obviously well known for your profile pics, which are all distinctly elegant while also managing to be lewd at the same time. How did this love for fashion come about...?
AR: Oh gosh I'm going to sound so clichéd~
I used to collect porcelain dolls, mostly Victorian-era ones, when I was more little. Uh, I guess the like adorable dresses the many layers of frills the aesthetic really stuck with me.
In my then later teens I found out about the Lolita Fashion style, and how like it's origins were based on alt-feminism. The idea of like fashion expressing yourself authentically even if it is seen as undesirable by a patriarchal lens stuck with me, and so I just started finding and wearing things that felt like "me".
EF: That's actually a really interesting story! One I'm sure that's going to make a lot of sense when you elaborate on your dollification fetish...
AR: That's actually cruel, and I will get you for this.
Okay- threats aside:
Early on into my time exploring the erotica space I met someone (as these stories always begin) who was something of a muse or a teacher to my learning and explorative mind, that person showed me a forum site (now broken) called
I was interested but had some trepidation about the idea, I had seen a lot of like rubber and latex and like "personality reduced" dolls, and didn't really want to end up like that because who I am and my being like matters to me.
The line between like play and reality blurs sometimes specially in things like hypnosis (something I also really like).
Anyway that's just an aside.
So despite all of that like anxiety and worry we did a roleplay session that took place over the span of.... a month? Maybe, I can't remember the details.
But uh that kinda crushed all of my doubts about it as we explored different forms of doll, ball jointed, wind up, latex, marionette etc etc.
And like the way in which fashion and personality and sensuality and aesthetic could be expressed through the play... and yeah that just locked it in as an all time faves.
EF: So, you've been on EroFights for a year now. It wasn't so long ago that saying that would have been the boast of a veteran, but this year, EF will celebrate its fifth year. As a relative newbie, can you give us your perspective on the website, and its community at large?
AR: Oh where do I even start... I mean I suppose my short answer would be that the people make it special, like all places that feel wonderful to be around, its the community that makes it.
I know that's probably (and has been) said a lot in these interviews, so there must be some truth to it as much as it's unoriginal an answer. Its the one I really believe. I had quite the art gallery listing each and every person who made my first year special and reset it for the new year, and even then that one profile was struggling to stay up to date and fit everyone on it.
Not that short of an answer now that I think about it.
EF: Well, I like to leave shoutouts for later, but since we're already hovering on the topic, do you want to talk about some of those special people? EF is full of positive relationships like these and it's always nice to highlight them...
AR: Brings out the nice list.
Come on and see Mrs. Claus then:
- Oriana, my first "high profile" match-up pretty sure that was also my first public log!~
- Mortess / DIT Just being an amazing friend and teasing writing partner over the years, we collaborated on a little IRL challenge game at one point and it totally melted me once I tested it
- Scarlett and Viola, both amazing girls in their own right. Super accepting, kinky great writers, amazing friends, what more could you ask for.
- Selina Bond yet another amazing woman in every way. Also a fantastic friend too.
- Jenna and her partner Amanda! More of the same, amazing women and worth the time spent in their company.
- Tanya ~ The Korean Queen, Katarina, Cindy the goth doll, All fantastic partners, especially to the ladies out there who want a great LWR match up.
- Blank Slate, The Collector, Herman the German, Ruck, Morky, Winston (that's you), Harrisub! Some of the amazing men I've come to enjoy the company of during my time on the site.
I could go for hours, really, I could, and I feel so sad that I can't make a tailor message for everyone I've ever spoken to, but I can try!~ - Anyone who has my name on their profile!~ Hiiiii~ hi you, cutie i see you out there. Love you!
- Blush (Naïve ♥), Maestra Veronica P.I.P, Destiny, Lady Dusk , Shani Robbins, Weiss and lllusion!
Okay that's all my shoutouts. To the girls (and lllusion) at the bottom of the list, I know we don't talk often, but you are always on my mind, and I love you lots and thank you so much for making the site special!
...And I named half the site- oops.
EF: I am so glad you namedropped lllusion... you got a match with him, and as far as I know, it's the only game he's had in all of 2024. Wanna tell us more about that?
AR: Well technically Him, possessing a bot, Ghost in the Machine he is, It was a wonderful time. I very much enjoyed myself, and hope that he did too (even if that match led to him making a site update).
Not much to really say, I got extremely lucky to be paired with him, although I think I charmed him into it. I'd be open to another match, but I am sure he's a busy man~
EF: Your involvement with EroFights is increasing too - you're training to be a Game Maintainer for EF's new Android Mode, right? With an action pack in the works, as well, I'm told..
AR: Want a sneak peak at something I am about to add to it hmmm?
EF: Sure 👀

EF: Two words: release date?
AR: Two words, also no idea~ wait that's three!
EF: This interview has a special segment called "Alya's Questions". First of all, do you know who Alya is, and if so, what do you think of her? Secondly, are you ready for her questions?!
AR: Alya is the LWR maintainer right, she founded the mode at least, or am I totally off-base with that...
EF: Nope, you're right...
AR: I think she is wonderful, although we haven't had the pleasure of meeting properly in or out of the ring. She can hit me up though if she'd be interested in such and I can manage to get my schedule semi-normal.
I am ready (to rumblllleeeee~)

EF: Unfolds a crumpled piece of paper, the questions written in crayon.

EF: Are u interested in Alya?
AR: See the above statement of how she can hit me up, what lady wouldn't be ❤️
EF: Do you think Alya is the best? (no typos in this one, strange...)
AR: I wouldn't know if she's ~the best~ I haven't gotten to tussle with her yet.
EF: And lastly...Please tell 5things about Alya that you like?
AR: Roses are red, Alya's butt will be too.
Bent over in the ring, spanked with my... shoe?
Naming five things, especially in rhyme.
Is hard...~
Uh, I think that should count.
EF: That's as perfect a response as I could have hoped. Now, final message to the readers?
AR: Listen up soldiers~ Ten Hut! The world of EF is in danger due to Android attack and we need you willing victims volunteers to fight away the growing hordes before the world ends oh no! danger, Excitement, Erotic Electric EXHILARATION what possibly could go wrong!~? Find out next time, same EF-bat time, same EF-bat Channel End transmission.
Love ya sluts to bits ❤️
Winston: And that concludes the interview. Thanks for this!
AR: Of course, anytime, although that won't really be needed now that I've been interviewed. How'd I do?
W: It was a pretty fun one, I think it'll get a few laughs!
AR: Awh thanks, I tried to be honest and true with my answers and really reflect what I am like.
W: And that's what I want from most people I interview, which is why most of the questions in these are usually directed at their passions and likes.
AR: Well you asked some fun questions for sure!
W: 👀
AR: Gripping the back of his head, tightly tracing my fingertips through his hair
For asking about my doll kink...

Look up at me, and edge pretty boy~