TWR tourney feature no. 2
The show must go on! Where did I put my gonad shielding?

We would like to say a few words about the general mood that we wanna establish for this tourney so today's spot is completely on: The show and how much aggression is really involved in (EF) wrestling.
As you might know, we launched a survey before we started the tourney and we intend to listen to your replies.
Some people had concerns that the mode/ wrestling (or "wrasslin" how it´s pronounced correctly among us professionals) might inherent too much violence to still be sexy or some folk may even be too competitive about it.
About the first topic: Yes. It´s true that some of the images (especially in the first part of a match) are pretty physical.

Let me assure you that we want you to fight your battles as "hard and as vicious" as you need to.
We spared no expense to cushion the mat and ring posts so thick that literally, only a blanket is missing for a proper cuddle party.
We spun the softest rope on the market around the ring for you to "brutally" Irish whip your opponents into.
Everything for you to focus on forcing sexy vibes and unbearable amounts of pleasure onto your helpless opponent until they collapse moaning with an orgasmic smile in their corner. ;)
About the second topic: The survey showed that we have a well-balanced player community between competitive and roleplay. Because of that, we are convinced that we will see the best out of the two aspects in the best tradition of Erofights tourneys.

How can you contribute?
There is a ton of fun to add to this unique format of the tournament!
Just imagine the WWE circus from the 90s and you have an understanding of where we wanna end up.
Dress your character up (change your profile picture) in bright colours. Wear a fancy hat. Have a theme song (you can copy/ paste the link into the chat at the beginning of the match), and have a cool wrestler nickname... your imagination is the limit.
The only thing we ask you for is to remember that wrestling is all about the show!
So let us worry about the smoke machines and cotton candy and you deliver the sexy, orgasmic, steamy action where the best entertainer gets all the re-cock-nition!
That being said I´ll leave you with your preparations. I have a flight to catch to interview Erofights's most successful fighters for one of the next features.