A Fox's Past

EF Novella Sep 8, 2020

The last rays of the sun were fading, bathing the atmosphere in a soft orange glow ...

He stretched, rubbing his eyes, and walked over to the entrance to the cave he had taken refuge in...

Three days… it has been three days…

His clan had warned him, when he was still just a young fox. He remembered very well their words...

“Never approach humans… never seek to come into contact with them… humans are vicious, devious, mean, and cruel… live in peace, far away from them.”

But his curiosity got the better of him, and he had watched them for days...

He had seen them laugh… he had heard them sing… he had believed that these humans were different… he had believed that the elders of his clan were wrong… and he had approached…

He had been lucky, and had managed to dodge the bullet, which had only grazed his head, injuring one of his ears ... then he had fled, as fast as he could, as nightfall helped him escape...

He had thought that getting far enough away would be enough to get him to safety, but again he was wrong, and they had chased him, night and day ...

Coming out of the cave, he observed his surroundings ... his ears up, straining to pick up any sound ...

A few hundred meters below, he spotted movement...

He could hear the barking of the dogs ...

It was them ... sleeping had been necessary ... but had enabled them to reduce the distance between them and him...

Without any further thought, he took off!

Getting some sleep had allowed him to recover… and he now took advantage of this renewed energy!

Running as fast as he could, his light step almost inaudible, he swallowed the yards, determined to outrun them again.

Gradually, the barking of the dogs grew fainter… stopping on a promontory, he turned around.

They had stopped, probably for the night ... luckily, the night didn't bother him ... quite the contrary, he was comfortable there ... his vision allowing him to see clearly as if in broad daylight.

He ran for a few hours, taking regular breaks, watching the fires of the humans behind him getting smaller and smaller as he climbed.

Suddenly, the path he was following led to a clearing, in the center of which was built a magnificent house.

He stopped dead, hiding in the bushes.

Humans ? here ? In the middle of nowhere? ...

Suspicious, he scanned the surroundings for a while, hearing only the wind rustling softly in the trees… before silently emerging from his hiding place… heading towards the small pond, next to the house.

The water was clear, reflecting the moonlight, and he plunged his hands into it …

He was thirsty, so thirsty… tilting his head to the water's edge, he drank, a long time, savoring the sensation of the sweet liquid flowing down his throat…

He raised his head, catching his breath ...
He leaped back, startled… ready to run away!
"Hold on!"
In the doorway stood a male figure ...
Strangely, he couldn't make out his features ...
The figure stared at him for a long moment… examining this strange creature…

His clothes were dirty, torn in places ...
His features, fine and graceful, were drawn by fatigue ...
His fur, previously soft and silky, was dirty and unkempt ...
His injured ear was folded over his head, a remnant of blood dried on its end ...
He stood in a posture of total distrust, ready to pounce at the slightest movement ...

The individual waved to him ...
“Come in, I'll find you something to eat”

With these words, he became aware of the throbbing pain that tugged at his stomach ...
For three days, he had hardly eaten anything ...
His stomach growled, and the figure smiled, disappearing into the house.

He just stood there… this could very well be a trap… yes, it was… it must be… why should he listen to a human?

The figure stuck his head out the door, then sighed ...
“You don't want to come in, do you? … In this case …"
The figure walked out of his house, and put a tray of food on the ground, before walking away ...
"You see ? I mean you no harm… please eat up.”

Staring at the tray, his stomach made another loud growl, his mouth began to water...
Focusing on the figure, he approached… step by step… until he was close enough to the food.
He sniffed it, the aroma of the food heightened by the hunger he felt …

He brought it to his mouth, and took a bite, still staring at the figure, who was watching on unmovingly...

He took another bite, then another… his legs gave way under him, causing him to kneel on the ground, swallowing every bite, tears streaming down his cheeks…

He finished the tray, wiping his cheeks with his torn sleeve ...
The human hadn't moved ... just watching him from a distance ...

"I can offer you a place where you will be safe, a warm and cordial place ..."

His ears pricked up, taking in the human's words…
He had fed him, he had not tricked him ... this human was different ... different from the others ...

“Follow me, I'll show you” With a smile, the human motioned for him to follow…

The fox stood up, and followed him, though keeping at a distance ...
Up to a promontory, overlooking a valley and a magnificent town ...

"This is my domain ... I can offer you a place there ... you won't want for anything and you can stay there in peace ..."
The fox stared in wonder at this city ...
Large buildings, similar to arenas stood in its center, magnificent residences built all around ...
Multiple lights, of all colors, illuminated everything, shining brightly in the night ...

"This place is called EroFights. I'm sure you will like it" said the man with a smile

The man walked down a path leading down to the city, turned around and looked at the fox

"Well? Are you coming? I'll show you around ”

Tearing his gaze away from the city, and moved by an uncontrollable desire, the fox followed suit...
The moon above them was shining brightly ...
A pleasant feeling spread throughout his body ...
He had found a place where he would be at peace ...
He had found a place where he would be accepted ...

His step became more assured ... his tired features coming back to life ...
His tail flapping in the wind as he followed this human ...

For the first time in a long time ... he was finally happy ...



I’m just a 29 years old french man, who likes eroge, hentai and doujin. Nice to meet you, Have fun! o/