The 3-point Guide to Hentai Mode
Hello all Hentai Lovers,
Nagusa here, with a little bit of something for everyone who loves this mode as much as I do. I will split this post into three parts:
• For the new players and people who would like to try out Hentai mode – A little write up of the major differences between Classic and Hentai
• For veteran players of Hentai mode who would like to keep up with the development – A write up of the new bondage mechanic, as well as an invitation for suggestions
• For people who would like to contribute to Hentai mode, a short list of what to look out for before making your contributions.
So let’s get started!
How is Hentai different?
If you understand how to play Classic, you’re already well on your way to being a good hentai player! Most of the formulas of Classic apply, including how pleasure and Cum Overdrive (Henceforth referred to as CO) is increased, as well as calculating the % chance of cumming during a cum test. If you don’t know what they are, you can find out more about them here!
There are two key differences between Classic and Hentai. One is the damage calculation on a successful cum test, while the other are “special” cum tests.
In Classic, most players don’t pay attention to the Cum Overdrive bar other than increasing the chance of opponent cumming, but in Hentai that bar is extremely important.

The reason for this is the damage formula between Classic and Hentai modes. Cum tests in all modes do base damage + Cum Overdrive. In Classic, all cum tests do a base of 50 damage. That means that the minimum damage you can do is 50 damage (when opponent’s CO bar is completely empty), while the maximum damage you can do is 70 damage (when opponent’s CO bar is completely full). That means that regardless of how much extra damage you do, you will always need two successful cum tests to win. This is as stated in the home page of EF.

However, Hentai has one key difference: The base damage of a standard cum test is only 35. That means that you may need THREE cum tests, not two, to win the game.
The maths is pretty simple – let’s say you make them cum the first time with only 5 CO. That is a total of 35 (base) + 5 (CO) = 40 damage. The second time, you, make them cum with 12 CO. you now do 35 (base) + 12 (CO) = 47 damage. Your total damage done is 87, leaving them on 13 life and still in the game!

On the other hand, let’s say you make your opponent cum the first time on 16 CO. That does 35 (base) + 16 (CO) = 51 damage. You wait, and make your opponent cum the second time on a full bar of 20 CO. That deals 35 (base) + 20 (CO) = 55 damage. 51 + 55 = 106 total damage, you’ve defeated your opponent!
Remember that every time a player cums, they get their desire and pleasure bars reduced, while their opponent’s increases. It is up to you to decide if you want to go for tempo and make your opponent cum three times quickly, or play it slow and give them two fantastic orgasms. So watch that CO bar closely!
Now let’s talk about something unique to Hentai mode – Specials

Unlike Lesbian Wrestling Ring, there are no finishers in hentai, nor are there “special” normal moves. All specials in hentai are cum tests. Specials are important in Hentai mode because instead of doing 35 base damage, they do 50 base damage, just like in Classic!
That means if your opponent had 5 CO and you made them orgasm, instead of the usual 35 (base) + 5 (CO) = 40 damage, you now deal 50 (base) + 5 (CO) = 55 damage! It is extremely important to utilise them where you can, as it gives you a good chance to win the game in two orgasms rather than three!
Specials are rare, and they only start appearing once your opponent has a high enough desire and pleasure. In addition, they always cost 4 energy, the highest energy cost moves in Hentai mode. Should you wait or re-roll hoping for a special, or go for a high CO cum test? Those are decisions that make Hentai mode a slightly more tactical game than Classic.
If this is too wordy for you, and you would like to see it happening in a game, Linlin has kindly created an infomercial complete with game log. You may access it here.
Hope you have understood the two main differences between Classic and Hentai, and I hope to see you in a Hentai game soon!
Hentai Developments – the new Bondage mechanic
Hello, and welcome back to my dear Hentai veterans. Here to explain the new Bondage Mechanic, and what you can expect of it.
To give a bit of background, bondage and hypnosis has always been contentious. Many players tried to RP this out by using “dice rules”, meaning that a person under bondage or hypnosis has to roll a die using the in-game function, and must skip their turn unless they roll a 5 or a 6. This is not quite ideal, both from a competitive aspect, as well as a RP aspect – things get boring quickly if one player is unlucky and has to skip several turns in a row.
Under the new mechanic, when you are placed under bondage, you get a few bondage-specific actions, and only those actions to choose from. They are “Don’t resist”, “Try to escape” and “Break free”.

If you have sufficient energy, you can use energy to simply break free immediately. If you have insufficient energy, the option “Don’t resist” will show up, allowing you to rest and regain your energy. If you like to gamble, you may pick “Try to Escape”.
There are three “Try to Escape” moves, all with the same images and stats, but only one will actually get you out of bondage. It is possible that the “correct” option may not show up in any of your three choices, but that is a risk you’ll have to take! Each time you try to escape, successful or not, you will inflict a lot of desire damage to your opponent as they watch your squirm in your bonds. At some point in the future hentai mode may want to add “Try to Escape” moves that add pleasure instead of desire, in the interest of balancing.
If you rest by choosing “Don’t resist”, you will gain a large amount of energy, more than what you can get usually. This won’t be free forever! Hentai mode will eventually implement moves that punish players who choose to rest in bondage. Don’t get caught napping!
Have suggestions? Have feedback about the new hentai bondage mechanic? Don’t hesitate to send your opinions and ideas to any of the maintainers of Hentai mode: Clara, Foxy and Shiky. They would love to hear from you and how things can be improved!
I hope everyone has fun when it comes to the new bondage mechanic on Hentai!
Hentai Action Submissions – Come contribute to Hentai!
Hello, my dear fellow contributors. Would you like to contribute actions to Hentai? We are officially the mode with the largest number of moves, and we would love for you to add to the collection!
To start off, the basics of action creation applies, and the guide can be found here. This part will specifically focus on the peculiarities of Hentai mode.
First, Hentai mode employs Hentai Logic™. Have you ever seen clothes in hentai dissolve on contact with slime? How about tentacles ripping off clothes at a single touch? Or even clothes just disintegrating with the snap of a finger? In hentai, clothes don’t matter! Unless the action very specifically interacts with clothes, such as “teasing her nipples through the bra” or “stroking yourself through your boxers”, all clothing requirements should be kept off. Go ahead and fuck your opponent through layers of pants on both of you, or show them your penis through both your underwear and pants. Hentai Logic™ always prevails!
Second, there are many different types of art that falls into the big category that is “Hentai”. While most of the other modes will only accept clips that show real-life people, Hentai mode accepts a wide variety of art. This includes artist impressions, Artist sketches, 3d-renderings, Animated cartoons and more! When proposing new images, do try to provide a variety of art styles – we try to avoid making everything the same style to fit everyone’s tastes!
On that point, do make a thorough search of existing actions to see if something already exists before you propose a new or similar exception. Exceptions are sometimes made for actions that are full, but if there is space always try to add enhancements first rather than make 20 different actions doing the same thing!
Third, and this is unique to Hentai – Hentai art may sometimes be questionable for the standards of EF. This specifically applies to furries and underaged art. For limits of furries and beastiality, please refer to code of conduct point 6.
Hentai artists also have a tendency to draw characters that look very young, especially the Asian artists. While we appreciate cultural differences, the EF site has to abide by French and EU laws, and it tends to err on the side of caution. That means no:
• Obviously young-looking characters
• 200-year old elves that look like they’re teenagers
• Demonic grandmothers that look like they’re children
• Petite-sized characters with flat chests and look like children, but claim to be 18 years old
You get the idea. Please use some discretion. If in doubt, you can always make an enquiry to one of the maintainers: Clara, Foxy or Shiky.
Hope to see you grow Hentai mode even more in future!